Keep the Melita R.C.M.P. in MELITA!

216 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
216 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As of January 7, 2016, the Melita R.C.M.P. members will no longer be allowed to begin and end their shifts in the Melita detachment as they will be expected to be in Virden.

Why, you may ask?

Because the Melita-Reston-Virden R.C.M.P. will now be covering Sioux Valley as well and therefore believe that all members should be centralized in Virden.

What does this mean for you?

This means that if you live in Melita, Pierson, Reston, Napinka, Lyleton, Tilston, Elva, Pipestone, Broomhill and surrounding areas, you will have an extensive wait if you require police services. If members are attending in Sioux Valley, you may have to wait two hours for help. If they are in Virden, you may have to wait forty-five minutes or more. As we all know, a lot can happen in that amount of time.

This will also mean a loss of preventative policing, as we will no longer have police members making regular patrols in these areas. They will be in Virden.

At a time when we have already lost medical services, this will be another huge blow to our communities. How much more are we willing to lose? With all the recent break and enters and robberies, what will this mean for our businesses; our homes?

What can you do?

Sign this petition. Contact our MLA or our MP. Make your voice heard.

MLA: Doyle Piwniuk


Phone: 204-748-6443

Fax: 204-748-6492

MP: Larry Maguire

Phone: 204-726-7600

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