Maintain the Grafflin Second Grade Current Class Size
The current 2014-2015 Chappaqua School District Budget has recommended to eliminate a section in the upcoming 2nd grade class, resulting in a class size of 23.5 children.
This class size is higher than previousGrafflin K-2 class sizes (based on data since 2010 school year). In the 2010 school year, the average class size was 20.4. In 2011 it was 19.5 and in 2012 it was 20 children.
Neighboring school districts such Scarsdale andKatonah-Lewisboro have class sizestargets below the 23.5 child level (e.g.,2nd grade class size goal of 20 in Katonah and maximium of 22 in Scarsdale).
Studies and research show that smaller class size matters, particularly in the elementary grades and have an important impact on student engagement and learning potential.
As taxpayers and members of this excellent community and school district, we hope and expect the best for our children.
We ask that the School Board reconsider the current position and consider adding an additional section.
Parents of the Grafflin future Second Grade Community (and others)