Keep the Children and Pets of Chestnut Drive Safe.
We need 90 signatures to be able to have speed bumps installed on Chestnut Drive. We NEED these signatures or nothing will be done to keep our kids and pets safe. Our kids play with their friends in an area of the neighborhood street where drivers speed down a blind, steep hill and sharp curve were up to 13 young children play and cross the road Visitors and members of our neighborhood community need reminders to slow down. We have already lost a pet on this road due to speeders. Yes we teach our children to look both ways, but with a curvy hill, visitors, and young drivers in our neighborhood, looking twice isn't enough to protect them. In this electronic age it is importnat for children to play outside and move around. We NEED our kids to feel free to play outside and visit their friends. Speed bumps would help our entire community to be more conscientious of their speed. A child or pet's life is worth it. Please join our page and consider signing our petition if you are part of Chestnut Hills even if you are not affected by speeders. Even if you have no children or pets. Your neighbors' children (and pets!) lives are worth at least your signature. Please share.