Keep SMA First Grade Class Size Small
Concerned parents at SMA request that incoming first graders do not exceed an acceptable class size, which we deem a maximum of 22 students or less. We are proud that SMA has championed small class sizes in the past, leading to greater educational achievement, a positive classroom atmosphere, and more individual attention from teachers. Our concerns are that combining the current two classrooms into one will prove to be a hardship for teachers, create a distracting learning environment, and negatively impact children with learning needs that may go unnoticed in an overfilled classroom. We strongly support the school and its mission and understand the fiscal challenges this might pose. However, we believe we can navigate this challenge for the betterment of our children. We ask you to keep an open communication channel with us so that we can ensure SMA and our students are both set up for continued success. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you and the administration in the upcoming school year and beyond.
Incoming first-grade parents (2023-2024)