Erica Brown 0

Keep Religious Medical Exemptions: VOTE NO to SB 3668

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Erica Brown 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Senator Heather Steans is looking to eradicate our religious rights for exemptions for vaccines. We stand against this notion. As American citizens, we all have the right to take or to refrain from vaccines that potentially may cause harm. Vaccines have the following...

  • Most (if not all) vaccines contain MRC-5 (aborted fetal cells and other DNA)
  • Vaccines have the potential to give a "latrogenic reaction" (an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) within the vaccine.
  • If a vaccine has the potential to cause harm, then doctors must uphold the Hippocratic Oath (to do no harm)

With this said, Americans have the right to refuse vaccines for both religious and health concerns.

SIGN THE PETITION AND SAY NO TO SENATE BILL 3668. Below is a Facebook post from Senator Heather Steans

Senator Heather Steans
about 4 months ago
Earlier this month I filed Senate Bill 3668, which takes action to fight infectious disease by increasing the rate of vaccination in Illinois. In 2019, the United States had the worst outbreak of measles in 25 years, with over 1,020 cases in 28 states. SB 3668 ends the religious exemption for vaccination in Illinois, strengthens our mechanism for determining medical exemptions, and empowers those aged 14 and up to choose to vaccinate.

Together, we can do better. #ILVaccinate

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