Keep Raley's Open--Rancho Cordova
Karen Teague 0

Keep Raley's Open--Rancho Cordova

125 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Help Rancho Cordova's City Hall Help Citizens Fight to Keep Raley's (Folsom x Coloma) Open! Closure slated for mid-April '12. Act now!! Sign this petition. Then copy this link to your social media site to inform others of this petition--this includes Cordova's newest, free, private, social media site provided by the City for individual neighborhoods!! Take note: If Raley's closes, there will NO LONGER be any 1) grocery store, or 2) video rental outlet to serve residents living between Bradshaw and Coloma and McGregor. 3) Wells Fargo Bank presence in all incorporated Rancho Cordova! The closest WF ATM will be Gold River or Bradshaw/Micron. Simply walking up to the store, ATM or Red Box will no longer be a viable option. Residents in this triangle will be forced to drive much further to pickup a bag of groceries or a specific item for dinner--wasting gas/time, generating more pollution, and less exercise/interaction with neighbors. Also, Mills Shopping Center is already a quarter vacant; and, Raley's closure will make the entire east third vacant, which will 1) decrease revenue (and even possible demise) of current tenants when the anchor store stops drawing patrons on grouped errands, and 2) increased crime activity. While Raley's is struggling to make their prices competitive, they DO have selection and quality in all grocery departments far superior to discounters WalMart and Target (both on Folsom & Zinfandel). For example, WalMart does NOT carry Act floride-cinnamon rinse, Honey Comb or Wheat Chex cereal, salt free pretzels/chips, bread sticks, top quality beef cuts, specialty cooking oils (sesame, walnut, grape seed, truffle, etc.), a bulk foods section, an organic section (inc. Brown Cow Greek style yogurt or flax seed oil), a varied produce section (greens besides spinach/kale, jicama, fresh/bottled herbs). Many of these items my Cordova elder client with kidney failure requires due to a very limited diet! If you have questions, contact me at (email) Karen is a 25 year resident of Rancho Cordova. Karen and her husband of 25 years, Russ, currenly reside in their owner-occupied home in the Cordova Gardens neighborhood behind Raley's, and have raised two successful children through Cordova's school system. Karen has always put Cordova first through pride in personal and civic service.


Karen Teague Rancho Cordova, CA email: Twitter: @KarenTeague


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