Keep Powhatan Rural - Say NO to a 249 high density homes off Rt. 60!
Victoria Ronnau 0

Keep Powhatan Rural - Say NO to a 249 high density homes off Rt. 60!

382 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Victoria Ronnau 0 Comments
382 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The BoS will vote YES for 249 for high-density homes on Page Rd and Rt 60 on Oct 28th, unless you speak up NOW!

This will be the FINAL decision on this project.

Mr. Melton, Ms. Cabell and Mr. Tucker WILL vote YES to 249 Homes at the Chesterfield line behind the Shell gas station (East West Partners project) on Oct 28th UNLESS YOU ARE THERE TO SAY "NO".

The Planning Commission last Tuesday Oct 2nd voted NO in a 4:0 decision for the East West Partnersproject.

This now goes to the BoS on Oct 28 @ 6PM in the Village Bldg. (across from Wells Fargo Bank)

This will be the FINAL decision on this project.

Historically three members on the BoS want high-density housing in Powhatan and have stated this at prior meetings and workshops using the undefined term "affordable housing". Starting at $250k to well over $400k some of the homes in this development will be on less than 1/10th acre. Powhatan has plenty of homes already priced in this range but nothing on a lot this small. This is High-Density!

Here are a couple of the biggest issues with this project:

The developer will offer NO CASH PROFFERs*. This means that there will be no money offered by the developer for additions to schools, no money for Parks & Rec, no money for Fire & Rescue, no money for maintenance of water / sewer additions needed for this project. IT IS ALL ON YOU the tax payer. At the June public meeting the developer offered cash proffers of $462k. As of this past Tuesday that offer is OFF THE TABLE!

Traffic**- VDOT traffic analysis uses "10 trips per day" per home for roadway planning. 249 homes x 10 = 2,490 more vehicles on Rt 60 each day. Add the potential Cumberland landfill traffic (600 to 1,000 trucks / per day) and Rt 60 will be choked. A traffic light at Rt 60 and Page Rd. intersection is planned. WORK ON THIS INTERSECTION WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL 100 HOMES ARE COMPLETED. Construction time can be 12, 18 or 24 months.

If you'd like to know more issues that this project will cause and reasons the Planning Commission rejected the project, read more below.

What can you do NOW?

1- Come to the BoS meeting Oct 28 @ 6PM - Village Bldg. (across from Wells Fargo Bank). Let the Board know how you feel about this project.

2- contact Supervisor Carson Tucker (he likely will be the swing vote on this vote) @ 804-598-2213 or You can also write Mr. Tucker at: County Administration, 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139

Read more about this project:

  • Access management standards – this project does not conform to Powhatan’s standards. Recall all of the issues surrounding the CVS and Luck Stone projects not meeting Powhatan or VDOT standards. County Administration recommended approval regardless of this fact
  • Waiver to access management standards is required. The BoS must approve a waiver if the project is approved. This jeopardizes roadway safety. County Administration recommended approval of the project even considering this waiver.
  • This project does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan definition of Village Residential. County Administration recommended approval regardless of this fact.
  • ** The VDOT R/Cut design (traffic exiting from the development heading East must travel West and U-turn) was rejected when presented to residents. Now it’s even worse. A signaled intersection is planned AND a U-turn will still be required. WORK ON THIS INTERSECTION WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL 100 HOMES ARE COMPLETED. Construction time can be 12, 18 or 24 months. Combined with normal traffic, project construction vehicles, the addition of up to 1,000 trash trucks from the Cumberland landfill creates a major traveling problem.
  • The development does not adhere to County Ordinance 83-282(a) (3) AND 83-282-D. The developer is not forthcoming in defining the type of homes and business as required. County Administration recommended approval regardless of this fact.
  • * The developer has now pulled-back the offer of cash proffers of $462,000. Apparently the money will now be used to construct the traffic signaled intersection.
  • Traffic according to VDOT stats for 249 homes is 2,490 trips per day. What will that do to already very busy Rt 60. Add to this up to 1,000 landfill trucks per day.
  • Approval of the East West Partners project will result in 42% of all available water for Rt 60 businesses used by approximately 450 customers (200 existing and 249 for this project). This will jeopardize water availability for continued commercial development on Rt 60.

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