Keep Pioneer Trail From Becoming A Ghost Town

Dear Zynga, We, the undersigned, come to you as a collective one. On Wednesday, June 09, 2010, you released a new social game on Facebook called Frontierville. FrontierVille was the first game to come out of the Zynga East studio in Baltimore and its design was helmed by Brian Reynolds, who served as lead designer on games including Civilization II & Rise of Nations. The game combined a number of features from FarmVille, Treasure Isle, & Mafia Wars, making it the deepest gaming experience we've seen from Zynga. This new game allowed us to experience the frontier of yesteryear. And we did. We built up our homestead, raised a family, befriended neighbors and fought off deadly, animal predators. We were happy. And we, the players, made your game a hit. Then came along The Pioneer Trail. And slowly, things began to change. And not for the better. Missions suddenly started to get harder. We now needed to add more neighbors just for gameplay. More and more things were needed to complete a simple task. Then gameplay was affected. Buildings would vanish. Missions would re-set. The game itself wouldn't load. And then, Zynga went public with its stock. And it would appear that the more money Zynga made, their games were that much less fun. It seemed that Zynga had all but abandoned the fanbase that helped make it what it is today. An article in Forbes magazine stated that Zynga Inc Chief Executive Mark Pincus when asked about that very subject said he "side-stepped that and said that by offering many new games quickly to attract new players, it doesn’t matter if old players are leaving." And, now we are. We, the so-called "old players" are doing just that. And we don't want to. We want our game back. We feel that if Zynga starts to listen to us, we can reverse this. But, only if Zynga listens to the ones that helped create Zynga. The players.