Keep our Wildlife
Recently, we were made aware that a development is being proposed to go into our back yards (literally) in the very near future. On June 12 at 6pm, we attended the City Council meeting where a hearing was held to approve the sewer tie-in for this development.
Many of us were told when we first moved into Jessie Lane that this project couldn’t happen due to the placement of our houses and conservation land. We are still trying to gain information about the conservation land, but at this point, it seems like this can happen.
The development is proposed to be a cul-de-sac just like Jessie Lane and Paula Drive. It would house 18 houses and the entrance to this cul-de-sac would be on Boundary Street between Bay and Jessie Lane (closer to Jessie right near the already very dangerous curve in the road).
Aside from losing all of our trees, vegetation, and wildlife; we have serious concerns about this project and are vehemently opposing this development. We all struggle with the number of cars on Boundary/Basset Street, especially when Fore Kicks has events. Knowing that 18 more houses will be going in; this traffic will increase by 20-40 cars on a regular basis. The road is already too tight for the number of cars; adding that many more is a serious hazard.
Additionally, the construction for this project will bring unwanted noise, delays, and frustrations for the years in which it will take to build. Privacy is a serious concern as well. The vegetation currently in this area offers great privacy and noise reduction. Without all of the trees, this privacy and solitude is lost. Looking at the plans; most of the wooded area behind our houses on Jessie Lane, Partridge Cir and Paula Drive will be lost completely – our back yards will look into the back yards of this new cul-de-sac.
At the June 12th meeting, it was obvious to the councilmen that we (four sets of neighbors in attendance) were opposed to this construction and were extremely concerned. Multiple councilmen approached us after the meeting and stated that the only way that anything will be voted down is if there are multiple people in attendance at the Planning Board Meeting where this is discussed. “There is power in numbers” and “if multiple people show their opposition, then attention will be paid to this – otherwise, it will be voted for and approved” were quotes we continuously heard.
Signing this petition will show the Planning Board and the Town that we do not approve and this is not a good move for Taunton or our neighborhoods.