Rachel Hatfield 0

Keep our Neighborhood Private!

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rachel Hatfield 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Homeowners Association of Portside Village and its members have been recently informed that an offer has been made on the property on the north side of Bertram Drive. As proposed, the property will be developed as a strip/office facility with a small storage facility in the back. One development option presented would have an entrance directly on Bertram Drive, our only entrance and exit from the neighborhood..

As homeowners and renters in this quiet, tucked-away community, we are extremely concerned that the proposed access from Bertram Drive will diminish the integrity of our neighborhood, expose it and it's streets to through traffic, and endanger homeowners as they walk and/or bike with their children and animals.

We urge the Town of Carolina Beach and its stewards to deny any such plans to provide a drive into the property just north of Betram Drive.


Portside Village Homeowners and Residents

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