We the undersigned, object strongly to Planning Application 2014/146/01/DET and; in particular to the proposed erection by Red House Farm Football Club of permanent boundary fencing on the Kingston Park Road field, which is currently used for football pitches at weekends in the season but enjoyed by the whole community at all other times.
Our principal grounds for objection are:
The loss of amenity when access to hitherto public land is denied to all users other than those playing football at other times.
The additional traffic and congestion that will be generated by the Club's ambition to host more games – the fields are on a busy road and the car park and clubhouse close to a mini roundabout.
The additional parking that will be generated by the development – this is already a highly contentious issue locally because of parking on verges, on the field and in nearby residential streets when the pitches are being used; which will be exacerbated by the greater use of the pitches that the proposed development would bring.
The fencing (particularly at a 5m height) will be an unwelcome eyesore, where at present there is a pleasant open vista across the field.
The additional litter that will be strewn around the area by greater use of the pitches (by players and supporters/parents) – already a contentious issue locally.