Keep our beloved v lounge for over 18s only

I will be sending this petition to Roger Finney the manager at Vauxhall Holiday Park.
I am asking everyone that loves the v lounge at Vauxhall Holiday Park to sign this petition to keep our room for over 18s only, the way it always has been.
I’ve been going to Vauxhall a great number of years with my family as i know a lot of people have, the resent change to allow children into the v lounge is a wrong decision for the loyal customers that go every year for some of us several times a year.
We loved our v lounge, with it’s relaxing atmosphere, adult entertainment, fun and banter with the entertainment team. For some of us that really does mean so much!
Please give us back our child free v lounge!
The families with children have a huge arena, they don’t need to be in the v lounge, us adults need a chance to let our hair down and be ourselves too!
Please give us back our v lounge!!