Keep NLG's Free Performing Arts Classes Operating

Petition to: Parramatta City Council
Please grant Next Level Generation Performing Arts Company (NLG) access to space needed to continue their free performing arts classes and associated services.
The premises currently used by NLG to conduct free performing arts classes to the youth in the Parramatta community are marked for demolition by Parramatta Council as part of the development for the new Parramatta Square. While we support the much-needed development for our growing and creative city, we are now effectively homeless as we have been given notice to leave our premises by 6 October. However, as a not-for-profit organisation that relies on fund-raising and the generous donations of local businesses to operate, we are unable to afford the commercial rates for rental properties in the Parramatta CBD.
Our current premises were made available by Parramatta Council at a reasonable rate in 2006, as they recognised our community contribution. We not only run performing arts classes, but other aspects of our organisation assist the homeless and disadvantaged, run social activities for mothers and youth activities. But now these activities and service to the community – all performed free of charge – will cease unless we can access new premises.
We are currently in an application process for new premises under the Activate Parramatta program with Parramatta Council. However, Parramatta Council has not seen fit to assist us in our need for premises, despite an assurance when we moved in that they would not allow us to be left without a location out of which to operate. But that is exactly the situation we face at this time.
We have served the Parramatta community and beyond for more than 15 years, and at no cost to Parramatta Council. We have provided a creative and fun environment for the youth, with an emphasis on safety and a family-oriented atmosphere. We love working with and for the Parramatta community and have a fantastic group of young people and their families who rely on our services. In fact our numbers run to approximately 200 every week. Our major concern is that these people will not be able to find us and will think we have shut down.
In our 10 years of operating as Next Level Generation Performing Arts Company, we have proudly represented Parramatta wherever we perform or conduct classes. It is disappointing to see the local government representatives of this great city cannot recognise the value of our contribution or even acknowledge that we exist.
Please add your name to our petition to help us remind Parramatta City Council of our value and service to our community, and our desire to keep serving and contributing to our growing and creative city.
For more information or enquiries, please contact NLG on email at info@nlg.org.au.