Melissa Zabukovec 0

Keep M.J. at Hudson!!

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Melissa Zabukovec 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I texted M.J. (our super fabulous kitchen manager at Hudson Elementary) and she so very much wants to come back to Hudson next year. However, she said she won’t know until the end of the summer where Unit 5 will place her. You've all seen or heard how things just seem to fall apart and certainly don't run as smooth when she's not there! I don’t know if we can make a difference but I want to try! So, here is a petition to keep M.J. at Hudson. Feel free to forward it along to whomever you wish. I’ll send the petition to Ms. Knepler and she can forward it on to those in charge of that decision if she would like.

Thanks, Melissa

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