Attention: Amazon.com, Inc. KEEP MANUAL DISBURSEMENTS EVERY 24hrs

To Merchant Technologies team / Seller Help / Whom it may concern at Amazon.com, Inc: It has come to our attention that Amazon.com, Inc. is in the process of stopping sellers from requesting manual disbursements every 24hrs. Originally back in the Summer of 2011 Amazon.com, Inc. notified sellers on it sites that this feature would be removed on Individiual Sellers accounts only. Pro-Merchant accounts would still continue to have manual disbursements every 24hrs. This plan was then later put on hold by Amazon. Now however (since October 30 2011) it has come to light that when signing up, all new sellers are being brought on to a single selling platform with options of sell a little and sell a lot. Both options do not allow manual disbursements every 24hrs.
In addition, New Sellers are being told that their accounts will be automatically settled every 7 days, however its now come to light that this isn't completely true to the word. On the their settlement dates, disbursements are being "failed" and Seller's funds are being held in "reserve", the excuses then given by Amazon when contacted are leaving the Sellers confused, upset and without access to their funds for drastically longer periods than anticipated or originally indicated/stipulated by Amazon.
Existing sellers will also be brought into line with this new Disbursement policy and so will also have their manual disbursements button removed over time regardless of the selling platform they are on.
As it stands, it takes 6-10 business days for funds to arrive into bank accounts after disbursemnt, so then the new Disbursement policy would only greatly delay this process further causing inconvience and stress to many sellers wishing to have access to their funds for credit line purposes etc. We wish Amazon.com, Inc. to see how removing the manual disbursemnt button along with the introduction of the new policy would take away much control enjoyed by its Sellers and in understanding this, reconsider their policy change. We, the undersigned exisiting sellers, new sellers and prospective sellers on Amazon.com, Inc website including it's different versions for different countries request that the original Disbursement Policy of pre October 30 2011 be reinstated for everyone which would also include the feature of Manual disbursements every 24hrs.