Keep low-income housing at Sierra Ridge Apartments in Clovis

As of January 1st, 2021, Sierra Ridge Apartments of Clovis, have now decided to discontinue their low-income housing program in order to eliminate a lower socio economic group and lessen their paperwork load. We would love your voice in helping families keep their home. Some have been here as long as 26 years an are in fear of becoming homeless due to being either a senior citizen, full-time student an have no income, mentally and/or physically disabled, single parents, or lack the needed income to pay the additional increase to their rent, as well as, the new utility fee that was just added on.
Also, during the pandemic, they proceeded to raise the rent, while majority of residents were out of work or on unemployment.
Additionally, with the help of added security cameras and security personal, several other issues within our complex would decrease or cease to exist. These safety issues would be the increase in car break-ins, stolen vehicles, an increase in persons digging in our dumpsters, random trash dumping's' or suspicious vehicles driving through, a gate code that has not been changed in at least 8 years and a gate that has been asked by residents to be kept closed 24/7 like the two complexes that sandwich Sierra Ridge Apartment. Pest control is non-existent within the back portion of the complex. Residents has been found to be bitten by spiders.
We would love for your voice in helping to resolve our conflict within our complex, which we all call home.