Maria G 0

Keep Lake Bernardo Together

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Maria G 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Our community has always had bad management and ownership. Since 2017 that all changed with The Espinozas being hired as managers. Before them this community was not only run down cosmetically but also as a community. We lived in fear to come out of our homes or speak up. We were bullied and harassed by previous management. With the Espinozas that all changed. The minute they came in they brought big smiles to the community worked extra hours without being paid just to get our community to come out and get to know each other. They brought us together they brought a sense of security to our community and most of all crime went down with Jesses late night patrols. When power was out they went and asked seniors if they were ok they offered flashlights to some of us who were in the dark. The kids looked forward to the activities Stephanie would put together for the kids, movie nights, backpack contests, pet parades, halloween parade, they even brought santa and easter bunny to the park! I dont think there is a person out there that is willing to give up a saturday to do a park event or stay late in the evening to put together activities. They have big hearts and now that recent changes have been made that somber feeling in our community is slowly creeping back. We the residents would like to have some say as to what goes on here. It is not fair to us neither the children in our community to have to go through unexplained changes. These two brought so much joy to our park so much togetherness and brought down the barriers previous managers had put up. Please sign this so we can be heard. We want all that was taken away from us to be brought back.

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