Keep KO Tradition

This past year the Kingswood Oxford athletic administration decided to remove the captain's boards from the walls of the athletic center. These boards date back to over decades ago, and have been a tradition since Kingswood Oxford virtually began. These boards are a huge aspect of KO's history, and we, as students, alumni, and family, look at these boards with respect and admiration. With this decision, the student body was not consulted, nor were alumni whose names appear on these boards. Being able to walk by those boards everyday and have a constant reminder of the type of leaders we all strive to be, was a very important element of the athletic facilities. These boards do not just represent hundreds of meaningless names- they represent so much more. They represent the history of our school. This is why we ask you to sign this petition. Please sign this petition to keep the captain board tradition in effect- maintain the tradition that Kingswood Oxford has always valued: leadership, both in and out of the classroom.