Keep It Rural
Keepitrural Pasco 0

Keep It Rural

799 signers. Add your name now!
Keepitrural Pasco 0 Comments
799 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Pasco County:

We/I, the undersigned homeowners of Tanglewood East, The Highlands of Tanglewood, Golden Acres, River Ridge, Bass Lake, Cranes Roost and surrounding areas, REJECT the county’s proposal for the Tanglewood East Comprehensive Plan CPAL (15) to amend the land use designation on the property (corner lots on Tanglewood Dr. and Ridge Rd.) from RES-1 to RES-24 and/or PD (Planned Development) to allow for the development of up to 230 apartments and 10,000 square feet of commercial use adjacent to the apartment complex.

I/we, do not want any aspect of this project to proceed. We strenuously object to adding a sewer line (per the developer) in our area, which; later could be used to force homeowners off of their septic tanks and wells to tie into county sewer and water and making the affected homeowners pay (in the way of an Assessment) for this unnecessary infringement on our peaceful enjoyment of land ownership.

We say NO to your “Assessments” and to the extra bill (sewer/water) that will Eventually be forced upon us and that we currently do not have. Let this petition serve for our present objections and as well as any future plans to force us off of our wells and septic tanks. We bought our properties specifically for the sole purpose of the very nature; of their extant qualities.

In addition, the proposed apartment will diminish the value of our property, while increasing the safety hazards on an already highly dangerous traffic situation on Tanglewood.

You, by force, would be altering what we originally purchased, when choosing our homes. We do not tell you how to live. Now it’s time to stop forcing us to live the way you believe we should. Respect the citizens wishes please!

We are certain that this initial project of CPAL (15) is a stepping stone, among many other negative aspects that forces us onto county and sewer water. If the Pasco BOCC doesn’t agree, then perhaps a 20-year moratorium on forced conversion to county sewer and water is a reasonable 1st step to a compromise.

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