Keep Homes North of Highway 26 in the Sunset High School Boundary

Dear Beaverton School District Representatives,
Families in the West Tualatin View Elementary (West TV) community are asking for your support in favor of keeping homes north of Highway 26 in the Sunset High School boundary. The proposed plan does not align with Beaverton School District Criteria for Boundary Adjustments.
Negative Impact on Safety, Transportation, and Proximity to School
Under the proposed plan, students in the West TV community would have to commute further through highly trafficked and dangerous areas during peak rush hour times via Cedar Hills Blvd or Route 217. It would increase transportation costs, as additional busses would be needed to compensate for the extra trips outside their typical boundaries. Additional time for drivers would have to be allotted due to bus transfers, safe transportation, and traffic delays. Furthermore, our children would have significantly less time to participate in extra-curricular activities, complete their homework, and get sufficient sleep.
Sunset HS is closer, more accessible, and much quicker to travel to and from the West TV neighborhood than Beaverton HS.
See: Data from the Oregonian regarding traffic on Route 217
Minimizing transitions/Impact on the Continuity in Coursework
Many families move into the West TV community because of the strong community bond with the schools. Our families have donated our time, money, and resources to support Sunset High School for generations. Our children have siblings that go to Sunset High. They play for Sunset Youth teams. They attend Sunset High Athletic events. The proposed boundary change would sever the long-standing bond with Sunset HS.
Children are taught through the PYP program at West TV, and they continue their academic work through the MYP program at Cedar Park. Sunset HS further continues this academic path with its IB program. Beaverton HS does not have an IB program. Since the educational objectives differ significantly between IB and AP programs, the students’ education would be significantly disrupted.
Negative Impact on Neighborhood Unity
The proposed plan divides our neighborhood in two. Cedar Mill includes the area north of the Sunset Highway which includes the West TV community. The proposal moves the part of Cedar Mill south of Cornell Road to Beaverton HS, cutting the neighborhood in half. We are part of the Cedar Mill Community. We support it’s local economy. Cedar Mill is where we shop, go to the library, farmer’s market, and post office.
Negative Financial Impacts
These changes would likely have a financial impact on families in the West Tualatin View Elementary community. Many families decide where they buy a home based on the school they want their kids to attend. Beaverton HS is a fine school, but it is not what families intended when they chose to move to the West Tualatin View neighborhood. Families may decide to leave this community so their kids can attend their preferred school resulting in a decline in real estate values.
Given all these negative impacts, we request that you vote to keep feeding the West TV community into Sunset HS and move the new boundary south of Highway 26.
We would appreciate your support in this decision.
Residents of West TV community