Keep Google Classroom
Stratford students have been using Google Classroom for a long time now. It is simple, convenient, and very easy to use. Unfortunately, we recently received the news that Stratford will be switching to Schoology instead. Schoology has its merits; however, we feel that it is not as straightforward and convenient as Google Classroom.
For one, Schoology is not as reliable as Google Classroom, as it crashes when there are too many people using it. We students rely heavily on Schoology to turn in homework and check new updates, and for a website that is used so frequently by so many people, reliability is key.
Also, uploading homework assignments to Schoology can be a hassle, as we need to upload files and images, which then could take up to an hour to convert into a viewable format. Google Classroom is directly linked to Google Drive, so it reduces the amount of work we need to do to turn in an online assignment, and since distance learning is mostly online, Google Classroom would naturally be the better option.
We Stratford students would respectfully ask that you consider our appeal to continue using Google Classroom. Thank you for your consideration.