keep eighth grade leveled
lori sender 0

keep eighth grade leveled

755 signers. Add your name now!
lori sender 0 Comments
755 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

It is apparent that the BOE, with Brian Osborne at the helm, is pushing for these changes too fast, with not enough data, without listening to the multitude of unhappy parents. This district has always held the gold standard in terms of the honors class in math, as well as the high rigor in level 4. Granted there needs to be more work done in levels 2 and 3, but simple band-aiding this issue with a "one size fits all" approach of putting all kids in one level won't do it. By signing the petition, we are saying no to the BOE and Brian Osborne to delevel 8th grade. Indeed, work needs to be done, but this is not the answer.

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