Keep Rep. John Kowalko on the Education Committee
Kevin Ohlandt 0

Keep Rep. John Kowalko on the Education Committee

108 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kevin Ohlandt 0 Comments
108 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

One of the strongest voices for public education in Delaware has been State Representative John Kowalko of the 25th District. With less than 10 days before the 148th General Assembly, Delaware Speaker of the House Peter Schwartkopf called Mr. Kowalko and told him he was no longer of the House Education Committee or the Energy Committee. He advised Mr. Kowalko he could not be both an activist and a legislator. He also told him he goes on the radio, blogs and the newspapers too much.

We believe this is not only an intrusion on a citizen's 1st Amendment rights of free speech, but if there was no activism Schwartzkopf would not even have the ability to be a Speaker of the House.

The Delaware House Education Committee willlose one of it's greatest voices if John Kowalko is not immediately restored to his seat on it. Please add your signature to this petition, and once we reach our goal, we will hand it to House Speaker Peter Schwartzkopf.

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