Keep Alex with his Daddy
Thomas Rowe 0

Keep Alex with his Daddy

442 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Thomas Rowe 0 Comments
442 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Alexander Rowe has been with his father now a 1 yr. 1 month and 27 days. He is 2 yrs. old with Neonatal Diabetes. His mother has chosen to be out of his life and continue her dream of being a bondage model and a mistress. She fakes rapes and beats people for money. She has had one child removed from her care due to abandonment. The courts in our case seem to deem her fit to be a mother. They are asking that I return my son Alex to her custody. I have had Alex over half of his life and she is a stranger to him. He has a routine here with me and my family. We protect him and keep him safe. I couldn't imagine one day without my son.

His mother has also not chosen to be apart of any of his Dr. appointments for his diabetes. The Dr. we are currently going to has never met her. Diabetes in children is very serious. Any real mother would be there for any and all Drs. appointments that pertains to her child. Alex is a rare child and is beating Diabetes. He has been off of his meds now for almost 7 months. That is due to proper checks of his blood sugars and a good diet. He requires a lot of attention and would not receive that being with his mother.
I pray along with my entire family that we can get a miracle here and get over 100,000 signatures to make this petition heard. This is coming from a father who truly loves his son and would do any and everything I could to keep him safe. Please sign this petition if you are a loving parent or you know me and my love for my son.
Thank You Very Much
Thomas & Alex

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