kasturi cant end

this petiton is from thousand and thousand of kasturi fans all over the world...who have watched and stuck b this serial for the past 1 and a half year...even though we were not happy with the track but they loved it so much that they kept and watching for the hope that our favirote jodi robbie and kasturi will reuntite aka shubhangi and karan... and is wrong for you just to shut the show...as there is a family behind it that loves this serial... when you end this show you will breaking hearts of thousands,so please ekta,bt,star this is a reaquest that you please please dont end this show we are begging you please dont end this show the only reason wh ou are thinking of shutting this show is becuz of trp but the onl reason why trp went low was becuz you bought new charcter kabir into the show and you broke kasturi and robbie apart... but if kasturi and robbie reunite trp would go really high... the second reason why trp is low is beacuse of time slot which is totall unfair... we respect you and please reaquest that you please dont shut this show please please