Revamp Child Support Laws
The child support system is absolutely flawed and needs to be revamped. Too many parents are using this system as a paycheck or retaliation for a failed relationship and not what the system is actually meant for. Furthermore, people have lost their jobs, houses, license, vehicles, and in the end their children because they no longer can afford to pay their bills because of child support and the repercussions due to non-payment.
Here's a thought, you want these parents to work so they can pay the other parent but if for some reason that parent loses their job or becomes medically unable to work and pay the court suspends their license? HOW DO YOU WANT THEM TO WORK WHEN THEY NO LONGER CAN DRIVE TO WORK? Let me guess, they can take a bus, taxi, uber, right? ALL OF THEM COST MORE MONEY! This is absolutely ridiculous and is nowhere near logical.
I have a solution to this problem that is quite simple. According to the cost of raising one, two year old child (which would be correct in my case), making less than $61,530 a year equates to roughly $10,436 a year and brakes down to roughly $870 a month and $435 per month per parent. Here would be a fair child support diagram.
*P1 = Parent 1 *P2 = Parent 2 *TSWC = Time Spent With Child *DPICS = Difference Paid in Child Support
Child support not to exceed monthly amount required per parent which in this case would be $435
P1 TSWC / Money Spent / P2 TSWC / Money Spent / DPICS Monthly
50% / $435 / 50% / $435 / $0
60% / $522 / 40% / $348 / $87
70% / $609 / 30% / $261 / $174
80% / $696 / 20% / $174 / $261
90% / $783 / 10% / $87 / $348
100% / $870 / 0% / $0 / $435
If you add the last two columns together you will get $435 which is that respective parents half of the monthly cost for that child. The monthly payment plus the money spent from P2 would not exceed half of what the monthly expenses for the child is. Which would be, in this case, $435. No parent will be required to pay more than half the monthly expenses.
The same calculations can be made for those with an income over $61,530 and higher. This is a fair way to paying child support. Stipulations to this would be for children than need special medical treatment or certain medications. That would be factored into the yearly costs and then divided out evenly for both parents. Furthermore, these payments will increase slightly when the child enters different age categories. Parents that is making payment should be notified no later than a month before payment change.
1.) It puts an end to misuse of the system.
2.) It makes it fair across the board.
3.) It will no longer be based on personal income. Parents that make more money than the other parent will no longer be penalized, as it should be.
This is just a short list of things that will end by restructuring this way.
Final Thoughts:
Misuse of this system is astronomical and needs to stop.
The way in which child support is calculated is absurd.
The way I proposed is a fair way in calculating who pays what and how much based on the average cost of expenses for said child.
Parents can figure out and solve the problem of child support by logging onto and inputting their information themselves and saving the courts time and resources.