JUST Justice
As technology evolves and media frenzies swarm around cases such as the State of Florida vs Casey Marie Anthony, it creates a potential for people, whose job it is to serve his/her community, to profit from and capitalize off of this service. High profile cases, such as the one referenced above, are bound to create opportuities for said civil servants and/or those involved through the efforts of tax payer dollars to capitalize throughout and at the conclusion of such trials. This opportunity may influence the participation in and ultimate outcome of such cases. Because it's the duty of such civil servants and taxpayer-paid individuals to honorably serve with a high duty of citizenship (i.e., jurors, judges, state's attorneys. etc.) the opportunity to profit from or capitalize off of said duty is a diservice to our justice system and should therefore be criminal. Immediately upon involvement in any case, such civil servant and/or tax-payer paid individual need waive their right to profit from and/or capitalize off of any and all involvements. Any monies or potential gain he/she may be offered can only be accepted in that 100% of said monies or gain be given to a legal charity on behalf of the victim and/or victim's family. Tax payers pay these civil servants and individuals to uphold our laws and seek justice for our nation, not serve contingent upon or with underlying hopes of profiting.