Justin Granier - Justins Journey

This petition is to show support for Justin Granier and his release from prison. Having to serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a murder he did not commit is cruel, inhumane, and unjust. He should not be held accountable for the actions of another, to do so is illogical and unconstitutional. He has taken responsibility for his actions and has served more than enough time. It's time to set Justin free!
A life sentence is far too harsh and offers no incentive to be or do better, yet Justin has taken advantage of every opportunity afforded him for educational, spiritual, and personal growth. And along the way he has become a mentor to the youth, a minister to the lost, and a volunteer for the dying. He pours himself into the lives of others making his community a better place. We need and want him free impacting our society with the same selfless acts!
Incarceration is suppose to serve as a mechanism for personal repentance and rehabilitation, not to warehouse citizens for making a poor choice in life. There is a huge difference between a criminal and an individual that has made a poor decision. The majority of those serving life sentences for second degree murder in Louisiana are first offenders. Yet because of mandatory sentences of life without parole there is no distinction between the two and no consideration of mitigating factors. Mandatory life sentences should be abolished for first offenders convicted of second degree murder. Especially for those like Justin who didn't even commit the act.
It's time to fix Louisiana's broken criminal justice system and harsh sentencing schemes. Louisiana's laws should align with the rest of the nation. Thus we support an extreme reconstruction of Louisiana criminal law. We support the release of Justin Granier and all efforts towards this goal!!!! We also support any new bills that amend his current sentence.
As advocates for change, we have to speak out and share this story and petition.
Thank you!!!
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Facebook, Justin's Journey, Justin Granier
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