Justin Cole Moore, please watch Blackfish and cancel your Seaworld gig

I would ask, as a fan, that you watch the documentary Blackfish before you decide to perform at Seaworld Orlando on Feb. 15th for the Beer and Bands. As public figures, you have the potential to deliver a message, whether good or bad. In performing at Seaworld you would be communicating the disregard of the highly sentient, sensitive, family oriented creatures that are the Orcas and dolphins that are kept in captivity there, never to swim free again, to be used as incubators for future performers, and only to retire through their death. Barenaked Ladies were asked to view the documentary Blackfish, and have opted out of the performance line up for that day, and I would ask that you also watch this informative piece of filmmaking and follow suit. The times are changing in what I, as a parent, want my child to understand about this world we live in, and it is to teach compassion and kindness to all, especially to those that have no voice to speak for themselves, we must be a voice for them. Your voice could ring loud and long to tell Seaworld that holding these wonderful creatures in captivity is wrong, and you could tell your fans that admire you that you are indeed compasionate and aware of others in our world. Thank you.