Traci Heyward 0

Justice For Shawn T. Rucker

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Please stand with me and send a message to the 

New York Police, lets tell them that Shawn matteted to everyone that loved and knew him and his life wasn't in vain and we want anwsers about his murder. We want the police to actively investigate his murder. Bring those involved in this crime to justice. So that Shawn can finally Rest In Peace.

Shawn was beaten to death in Queens New York, his body was disposed of on the beach, he did not deserve to die in this manner, the police hand this case with a careless attitude, they seem to lack compassion for the Family that remains. Shawn was kind, loving, compassionate and humble. He loved everyone and would give all of himself to help those that he loved. Please join his widow Mrs. Traci Heyward- Rucker, his Siblings, Family and Friends as we Fight for Shawn's Justice. Please this Petition, call the Queens Police Homicide Dept. Ask about Shawn Rucker, let's make his voice heard.



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