Kieron and Ken to be reinstated at Nevada Smiths

Dear Mr. McCarthy,
This letter is a response on behalf of a group of loyal Nevada Smiths customers regarding the incident that happened last week, where your bar was closed and fined for being found guilty of serving alcohol to underage customers, and the subsequent events that transpired, seeing Kieron and Ken fired, and Kieron arrested and placed in jail.
We would like to express the shock and ill feeling we have over your behavior in dealing with the situation. Nevadas has built its reputation and strong customer base through the hard work of the likes of two individuals in question. These men are what Nevadas is all about and to take them out of the equation will leave a gaping hole in the establishment which will be impossible to fill.
You will find below the signatures from the people who want Kieron Slattery and Ken Foley to be reinstated as bartenders at Nevada Smiths. If they are not, we will stand together in taking our business elsewhere.
Yours truly,
Loyal Nevada Smiths customers