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Gang Member Convicted of South Bay Murder Last Update:
5/28 12:46 pm
SAN DIEGO - Juan Francisco Gonzalez, 32, faces up to 100 years to life in prison when he is sentenced Aug. 11 by Superior Court Judge Louis Hanoian.
Jurors deliberated less than a day before finding Gonzalez guilty of murdering 38-year-old George Castaneda Jr. of Chula Vista around 5 a.m. last Sept. 8.
Gonzalez was also convicted of assault with a deadly weapon for stabbing another man 24 hours earlier when the victim was attacked by others.
Later, Gonzalez and fellow gang member Albert Langton went to a mobile home park in the 1800 block of Cathy Street in Palm City and waited for Castaneda and a friend to arrive, the prosecutor said.
Gonzalez and Langton opened fire and shot Castaneda in the head, chest, torso and wrists, according to Varela. Castaneda died at the scene. "If this isn't intent to kill, I don't know what is," the prosecutor told the jury in his closing argument. "This was completely unjustified."
Langton, 25, pleaded guilty earlier this month to voluntary manslaughter. He will be sentenced to 25 years in prison on Aug. 3, 2010
"I dont believe it's right that the person who shot and killed my brother and stabbed another man with the cruel intentions in killing him will be only getting 25 years and will STILL BE ABLE to request his parole eligibility. I live everyday with the concern that 25 years from now a Parole Board, will ignore the sentence of the judge and release this killer.i can never have enough words to explain the pain me and my family have gone through since my brother was murdered, he took a part of us! there is not a day i dont fear for my loved ones life when they walk out the door. I am afraid i will terrible news again, To do something like what he did, he had to be a very emotionless person a soulless person. By signing this petition you will be decreasing the chances of "LANGTON's" parole eligibility keep people like this where they deserve to be! THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO HELP ME && MY FAMILY GET JUSTICE! GOD BLESS YOU ALL<3