Justice for Cyrus

Cyrus Belt, a toddler who was to celebrate his second birthday in February, was tragically murdered by being thrown from a freeway overpass on Thursday, January 17, 2008, and falling 25 feet to his violent death. A mentally disturbed, drug addicted man by the name of Matthew Higa allegedly had possession of Cyrus on that fateful day, walked to a nearby freeway overpass, and intentionally tossed him over the railing. Stories are now coming out of alleged drug use by the mother, the boyfriend and the grandfather, all of whom Cyrus was residing with at the time of this most horrible tragedy. It has also come to light that when Cyrus was younger, he was voluntarily given in to foster care by his mother, Nancy Asiato Chanco, because of a drug problem she had, only to be returned four days later to her care. On the day of his death, baby Cyrus was found wandering the neighborhood by a Honolulu Police Officer, and was returned to the care of his mothers\' boyfriend. Nancy\'s own father, who had been sleeping when Cyrus was at home that day, contends that Shane, Nancy\'s boyfriend took Cyrus to the neighbor, Matthew Higa, to watch. Nancy, her father and her boyfriend all have criminal records. Her own father is known as the Godfather of Waikiki. Many questions remain. How could Child Protective Services return this small baby to the care of a self admittedly, drug addicted mother after only four days Why did a Honolulu Police Officer return this wandering baby to the care of a non-relative without first contacting CPS Why, when practically the whole State of Hawaii knew what was transpiring that day, was the mother nowhere to be found There are many unanswered questions. It seems there are many people and agencies that need to be held accountable for this crime. Not just the drug addicted, metally disturbed man that committed the final, brutal act, but also the mother, the boyfriend, the grandfather, possibly HPD, and Child Protective Services. People of Hawaii, now is your time to be heard. By signing this petition, you are demanding that justice for Cyrus be served. You are demanding that some hard questions need to be asked and addressed. You are officially stating that you are tired of Business as Usual. You are saying that besides the mentally deranged perpetrator of this crime, someone, possibly many others, need to be punished as well. By signing this petition, you are stating that you want justice for Cyrus. You further state you demand the people in power here in the state of Hawaii to investigate this crime to the full extent of the law, without giving preferential treatment to government agencies. Ladies and Gentlemen of Hawaii, let us not forget, our children are our future. They did not ask to be brought into this world. They need to have a voice, even if they are no longer here to speak for themselves. Peter Boy Kema, Cyrus Belt ~ run and play in Heaven with the angels and the Lord above. We, the citizens of Hawaii will do all we can to see that justice is served for you.