3. Where can I purchase Bionic.
Here are some some your options (Most people will probably be concentrating on iTunes, but feel free to buy physical copies of Bionic on multiple sites. *prices are subject to change):
(Bionic *Deluxe Explicit version $14.99)
(Bionic *Standard Explicit version $10.99)
(Bioinic *Standard Clean version $10.99)
(Bionic *Deluxe Explicit version $13.41)
(Bionic *Standard Explicit version $5.19)
(Bionic *Standard Clean version $5.70)
Best Buy
(Bionic *Deluxe Explicit version $16.99)
(Bionic *Standard Explicit version $6.99)
(Bionic *Standard Clean version $6.99)
4. WHY is the #JusticeForBionic Campaign on the same day as Lady Gaga’s ARTPOP release?
Because this is when the campaign has the best chance to garner the most headlines. It doesn’t really make sense to schedule it on another day because the full potential of the campaign (getting new people to buy/check out Bionic) is hinged on trying to convince the public to sympathize with Christina fans by recalling the shady events from 2008 to 2010.
This campaign was started by fans who strongly believe Perez Hilton; Lady Gaga; Akon; Gaga's A&R Martin Kierszenbaum; and, KISSFM’s Assistant Program Director and Music Director Julie Pilat, played a role in sabotaging Christina from 2008 to 2010. This was done in an effort to grab headlines and raise Gaga’s profile, which resulted in Christina and her album Bionic experiencing a backlash which is still being felt today. It even affected the airplay of her singles. With insufficient airplay of the singles, the vast majority of commercial albums are doomed to underperform or fail, regardless the amount of promotion from the actual artist, because many retailers are not as willing to order heavily (or at all) if the singles do not do well.
The point is to expose as many new people to the album as possible, while also putting a spotlight on the injustice that occurred as a result of their actions. For a brief overview of the sabotage, visit:
5. What did Lady Gaga do?
Many of us feel that Lady Gaga’s comments in various interviews (such as US Weekly and Digital Spy) depicted Christina as a copycat and thereby was one of a few contributing factors to ruining Christina’s reputation and damaging her project. Ideas such as “Blonde hair with bangs” and “futuristic sound” were used as the basis for “copying”, when in reality Christina had already suggested that she would possibly explore a futuristic sound after her throwback Back To Basics album at 2006 Nissan Live Sets, well before Lady Gaga hit the scene. She also had that hairstyle in various colors prior to 2008.
Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton’s former close friend, also ignored numerous acts of ‘Christina bullying’ on Twitter. Perez would send the Christina hate right to Lady Gaga’s doorstep during this period of time, and she just refused to shut him down. And recently, when Andy Cohen questioned her about Christina on “Watch What Happens Live”, she played ignorant with regard to what exactly the Christina/Lady Gaga comparisons were all about. She was obviously lying. She knows what the comparisons were about. Lady Gaga is notorious for searching herself on the internet to keep up with the latest news/gossip. Based on many of her tweets, she is clearly aware and often unethical and contradictory when trying to draw attention to herself.
It is also worth noting that when the video for Christina’s “Not Myself Tonight” was released in 2010, many of Lady Gaga’s fans publicly stated that they were going to band together to flag the video so viewers would have to sign in to see it. They succeeded. The video was blocked for quite a long time, essentially damaging it’s sales potential.
6. But didn’t Christina throw the first stone by calling her a man. Didn’t she insult Lady Gaga?
No, there was never any proof that Christina had any malicious intent with her comments. The L.A. Times interview with Christina on November 11, 2008 is often brought up by some Little Monsters to take the focus away from Lady Gaga’s actions and attempt to clear her from any wrongdoing, but the truth of the matter is that Christina’s comments were twisted and taken out of context. For starters, the title “Lady” is not always indicative of someone’s gender, there are drag queens who use it as well as bands, but more importantly some of these Little Monsters always seem to ignore the fact that Lady Gaga intended to dress like a drag queen or give an air of androgyny at times, like her idol David Bowie. When Lady Gaga first started to emerge, there were numerous people who were unsure of her gender. It’s not fair to blame Christina, because she didn’t rush to the computer to research Lady Gaga.
If you have been following Christina Aguilera’s for many years, you would know that she really doesn’t interact all the much on the internet and is sometimes unaware of newer artists.
And just for the record, Lady Gaga’s shady interview with US Weekly actually came before this interview with Christina.
7. Misconception: Christina didn’t sufficiently promote Bionic. That’s why it failed.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. Christina heavily promoted Bionic – at VH1 Storytellers, American Idol, MTV Movie Awards to name af few. The lead single, Not Myself Tonight, didn’t even reach 30 million audience impression on radio. Woohoo and You Lost Me faired far, FAR worse with under 1 million impressions. Anyone who is familiar with with official chart jargon knows how terrible these numbers are when comparing them to what other mainstream pop artists are achieving, and that there is something very wrong when an artist is performing at major venues but pulling in these low levels of airplay.
Misconception: Christina copied Lady Gaga in the video for “Not Myself Tonight.”
False. Unfortunately, many of Lady Gaga’s fans are ignorant to music video pop culture and the catalogs of pop artists that came before her. Some of them are so desperate to make it seem as if Lady Gaga is completely unique, that any other artist wearing over-the-top fashions is automatically labeled a “copycat.” In their minds, over-the-top = exclusive to Lady Gaga. As you can see from these comparison screen grabs, “Not Myself Tonight” is essentially a homage to three of Madonna’s videos; Human Nature, Express Yourself and Like A Prayer. Some people seem to think the video is a copy of “Bad Romance” because of the scene with the Carrera sunglasses (not shown), but that is a product placement! Not copying. Christina also used the spiked ballet shoes in her video “Hurt”, which came long before Lady Gaga. Christina has also had many bizarre fashions throughout her career. *See 2004 video shoot with Ellen Von Unwerth.

8. Does the #JusticeForBionic campaign ask that the public boycott ARTPOP?
It’s a personal choice. Do what you feel is right for yourselves after reviewing the evidence. Most fans just want new listeners exposed to Bionic and could care less about promoting an ARTPOP boycott, but then there are some fans who are rightfully angry with Lady Gaga and want take take away some of her bottom line. But none of us are delusional enough to believe that ARTPOP is going to flop in the first week or that Bionic will hit #1 on the charts. While we hope for a major resurgence, any rise in sales will be viewed as a victory, although it will be a little disappointing if, say, only 50 copies are sold Obviously we have our fingers crossed for way better results, but we realize it may take major media exposure to achieve that.
9. What if I’m not able to purchase Bionic right on 11.11.13 due to lack of funds or being away from my computer?
Just buy it as soon as you can.
10. Didn’t Perez Hilton start #JusticeForBionic?
No. The campaign was started on afterld.com. Perez saw one of the campaign banners and tweeted it to his followers, giving some of the public and media the impression that he came up with the concept. As a result, many of Lady Gaga’s supporters are falsely claiming that all of Christina’s fans are supporting Perez (who was also involved in sabotaging Christina), to put our fan base in a negative light. Truth is, many Christina fans have long suspected that Lady Gaga co-conspired against Christina long before Perez said anything about it.
11. What else can I do to help?
Post about the campaign on Facebook, YouTube comments, everywhere. Help us to trend #JusticeForBionic on 11.11.13. Educate the public by posting the link to this page:
12. Anything else?
Don’t let Lady Gaga’s supporters sway you. They are going to attack from all angles to try to make you feel guilty and Lady Gaga seem like the wronged party. To the public, they will attempt to portray every single Christina fan as delusional, believing that we can “block” ARTPOP, when nobody even thinks that. It’s also very likely they will bring up the L.A. Times interview with Christina. Stay strong.