
Justice for Officer Terrence Alexander ! To the dismay of its baffled Citizens, Atlanta City Government, bowing to political pressure decided to protect a white female suspect who was charged with the felony of obstruction of a police officer and a number of misdeameanors, by terminating African American Officer Terrence Alexander Officer Alexander has been on the force for 5 years, and is loved and respected by his community: He has 16 commendation letters in his file, 15 from citizens and 1 from the mayor\'s office. The race of protagonists (apprehending officer and suspect) clearly plays a predominant role in the outcome of these Atlanta cases, when an officer is injured: We sadly remember a similar incident in Atlanta on September 3, 2002: Llia Lavender, Black female resisted arrest on September 3, 2000, and scratched Officer Raymond Bunn, White male, Badge Unique ID number 2582,who retaliated by blungeoning the eye and fracturing the jaw of Llia Lavender among other injuries. Bunn was not found to have used excessive force. That case is pending in the District Court. Bunn, a year later, shot and killed Corey Ward, a Black male, on July 14, 2002. ___________________________________________________ To: Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, sfranklin@atlantaga.gov, (404) 330-6100 c/c: City Attorney: Linda K. Disantis, lkdisantis@atlantaga.gov, (404) 330-6400 c/c: Atlanta Chief of Police: Chief Richard Pennington, mayers@atlantaga.gov, Linda K. Disantis) Dear Mayor Franklin, African American Officer Terence Alexander was discriminated against by the Atlanta Police Department who fired him for placing his knee in the back of Diana Dietrick Barnes, a white female, while arresting her for felony obstruction of a police officer, on November 4, 2004 Diana Dietrick Barnes was being arrested for * failure to leave the no parking zone at the Atlanta Airport upon repeated requests, * refusing to give her license, registration, and insurance when requested , * attempting to leave the scene, * stricking officer Alexander causing a torn rotator cuff injury and injury to his elbow. We instantly urge you to: 1) Reinstate Officer Alexander without any further delay 2) Make a formal, public statement fully exonerating Officer Alexander 3) Bring disciplinary charges against Lieutenant Greg Mathis, Lieutenant Anthony Biello and Sergeant D.C. Williams Lieutenant Mathis ,Lieutenant Biello and Sergeant Williams unarrested Diana Dietrich Barnes without court intervention. Lieutenant Mathis, White, took a tape (not in due time) to the District Attorney of Clayton County in an effort to procure the declination of prosecution of Diana Dietrich Barnes for felony and misdeameanor charges, and to encourage the prosecution of officer Alexander. Lieutenant Biello, White,failed a lie dector test on the issue of whether they had the affidavits of sworn independent witnesses at the time that they released Diana Dietrich Barnes. Sgt. Williams, Badge Unique ID 0865, White, was one of the officers who decided to release the perpetrator Mayor Shirley Franklin, the world is watchng you. Show your intent to end racial bias in Atlanta, within all your departments and citywide, DO THE RIGHT THING ! ________________________________________________________________ Dwayne Johnson is the chairman of Citizens for Terence Alexander and can be reached at (901) 482-1221 Officer Terence Alexander\'s contact:(561) 558-6538. Attorney Lecora Bowen can be reached at (770) 909-0742.