INJUSTICE-29yrs Of A Man,Father,Son,Brother,Uncle,Friends Life
Sabrina campbell 0

INJUSTICE-29yrs Of A Man,Father,Son,Brother,Uncle,Friends Life

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56 people have signed. Add your voice!
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A husband and wife together 13yrs, had a 5yr old child. They seperated, 6mths later the man filed for primary custody. Before that, there was never any word/alligations of abuse,violence,or anything toward the husband. The reason for filing custody, the wife was taking the 5yr old daughter with her to bars, bringing multiple boyfriends home, driving drunk and having sex in the vechile all this in the presence of the child. Bought, sold,  delivered drugs with child in vechile. There is pictures,phone bills,and other evidence to prove this. The third time before the custody judge the wife was going to be given secondary custody. The wife had her sister( in her mid-twenties) make false alligations of sexual misconduct toward the husband, that was supposed to of happen in Feb.98 and before. In a house that wasn't bought or owned till many months later, not lived in till two years later b/c of remoldeling. The wife befriended and ended up in a personal relationship/friendship with the investigating detective.The wife was supposed to be a witness and her sister the suppossed victim, but the detective talked to the supposed victim less than five times, talked to the wife 15-25 times. The wife was manipulating, influence, and masterminding the case from start to finish. The detective instructed the wife and her sister what to do, what he needed to get the charges into court. Giving weeks or months between interveiws for them to get their story together. Each one gave multiple statements that changed, some contradicting the others. Almost everything that is in statements can be proven to be lies. The detective wrote the dates in himself going from one date to a year later on each charge, the supposed victim couldn't even say a date for the false alligations.The detective admitted on stand in court he never investigated or checked anything to do with this case. He obtained a search warrant for the husband house thru lies, arrested the husband-searched the house, finding nothing illegal or immoral on the premises. The detective took photos and othe evidence during the search, that was to be used against the wife by husband in custody case and gave that evidence to the wife, the detective even had the wife come to the Sheriffs Dept and listen to taped conversations the husband made to family members during his incarceration at the county jail to see if anything could be used in her custody case. The detective never talked to anyone about the husband before arresting him and charging him with multiple felonies. He never talked to the husband nor his children, parents, family, friends, nieghbors, or co-workers about the alligations. All of this after the wife was caught in lies; in two county courtrooms during the same period of time, of false charges on the husband. Admitting to the detective she used, sold, and delivered drugs,has multiple drug charges on her record, the husband has no charges since 14yrs ago. During the trial the judge barred (suppressed) the husband from using most all the evidence to prove his innocence at the trial, stating it was prejucial to the states case. Even when the supposed victim had directly referred or related testimony to the evidence. This is a Great Miscarriage of Justice, against his civil rights, The Constitution. And, a tradgey for him, his children and family. An abuse of police authority for personal gain. So, will you PLEASE sign this petition and HELP us get this investigated by the FBI and/or Judical System to get a new and fair trial and see Justice for an INNOCENT Man. All of this is based on hear say evidence and none of the husband evidence was allowed to be used. This is 29 years of a MANS' LIFE not a game. There is evidence to prove this is a railroad case of justice!! All this because of a game the wife played to get all that she wants. Please sign and Help for justice.


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