Justice For The Family Of Angela Jean Johnson ( Florimonte)
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To Whom it may concern,
My name is Stephen Johnson, the son of Angela ( Florimonte ) Johnson, age 28, who was brutally murdered by my father Daniel R Johnson #A2285923 on December 26, 1989 the day after Christmas. I was only 7 years old. On the day it happened, he picked me up from cub scouts hours late. With her body in the back of his pick up truck, we drove to a barn in Vevay, Indiana where he dug a hole and buried her body in a barn that me and my two younger sisters played in daily. Yes we played in the dirt over top of our mothers brutally beaten lifeless body. What type of person does this? Definitely not someone that deserves to walk free amungst the rest of civilization. He is incarcerated at Madison Correctional Facility in Madison County, Ohio. He is coming up for parole in August 2013. He was sentenced to 20 to life and I feel he should do the life. My mother did not get a second chance, why should he? I feel he has showed no remorse for what he has done. This horrible act of violence has caused me and my family a life of heartache and emotional and mental problems. I feel that if he is released it will just make things worse. So please find it in your hearts to sign this petition and to spread it and help get us signatures so that justice can be served for me and my family. Keep this man locked up where he belongs before he kills or hurts someone again. No one should have to grow up or go thru the things me and my family has. Thank you for your support.
Stephen Johnson & the Florimonte Family