Sunny Sunny 0

Justice for Steven

1180 signers. Add your name now!
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Students and faculty of PHS,
As some of you may be aware, on June 8th, 2018, Steven Budzinski was involved in a senior prank which has led to suspension and cancellation of his graduation speech. Those who know Steven will attest to the fact that he is a very considerate, respectful and spirited individual without any prior run ins with administration. Steven is an AP and honors student who has only contributed positively to PHS. He worked extremely diligently in order to earn his place in the top 20, and put hours of work into his graduation speech. The senior prank was something which was merely intended to spark a final laugh as our last days here at Pennsbury come to an end. He made a mistake, and punishment may be warranted but revocation of his graduation speech it too extreme. He should not be punished this severely and have his hard work go unrecognized over a senior prank which has taken place every prior year. We want to express to administration that we want Steven to represent our student body with a final graduation speech.

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