Justice for SOC365 Students

Professor Adam Green has not withheld the academic standards at UofT. He is late every single class by 15-30 minutes. He doesn't lecture for the entire designated time. He neglected to inform us that class was cancelled on February 27th and had us waiting for the lecture. This is a bylaw offence since a professor is to inform students class cancellations minimum 4 hours in advancement. The quality of his lecture are extremely poor; he summarizes all lecture notes and doesn't offer any analyses. Furthermore, he neglected to give us any marks before the drop date for the course which is another bylaw offence. Please sign the petition because the week of Monday March 26th, a few students has a meeting with the chair of the department of sociology at St.George informing the department of Adam Green's unprofessionalism. If you are discontent with the class, please sign the petition.
*Disclaimer: I understand people are concerned if the necessary steps were taken in addressing this issue. It has. Another student already approached her registrar and the sociology department registrar and both recommended her to make an appointment with the chair of the department. I, myself, have already spoken with professor Green. After the first lecture, I approached him asking if he was going to continue having such short lectures. He’s assured me that he will lecture for the full two hours. However, he has not withheld such statement. I also emailed him why he didn’t attend class on February 27th. He told me he had the flu and couldn’t make it. A simple email would of saved a lot of people time and money to commute to class. The purpose of this petition is not to protest the marking. No, the petition is for students to come forward if they agree they believe that Professor Green is unprofessional. There’s are standards professors are held to and if you don’t believe he’s held such standards, then you may sign. We are approaching the chair in hopes that something can be done.