Justice For Nadir El Maanni On 19th July!

Our brother Nadir El Maanni was arrested during a protest against the rise in tuition fees which the government is imposing upon the coming generations whose education is a paramount contribution towards tomorrow's society. Whilst Nadir was peacefully protesting, police turned violent on the crowd and arrested many young people who were simply voicing their concerns (one of whom is Nadir). He is to be taken to court on the 19th July of 2011 and I hope you join me hand-in-hand in supporting Nadir, as well as the other peaceful protesters who are being charged with 'Violent disorder' in the name of true justice and freedom from police brutality which has taken numerous lives already. This is only another way in which our current government is trying to keep us silent but we will be silenced NO LONGER! Please sign this petition and send it to everyone you know.