Justice for Joe O'Donnell

'All of the recent events have really made me think about how the local
community (Gringos and Locals) always comes together to support each
other when something bad happens. This is a great thing. However, we can
do more. There is always strength in numbers. How can we affect change
on the island? How can we organize to become a community that is heard?
What can we do to force positive change? Many people are truly upset
about the tragedy that happened to Joe, but what is being done? I
believe if the people on this island work together as a united front, we
can make a difference. I have created this group, so that we can get
organized to make a difference, instead of just complaining about how
things need to change: Let's be the change we want to see in Roatan!
Let's come up with an action plan so all of the powers that be, know how
our community feels. I am not advocating a mob, but a civil way to make
our voice heard. We choose to live here, we can choose to make a
difference here as well.'
Joanies original fb set up "speech"