Justice For Jesse
Lynn Naranjo 0

Justice For Jesse

1676 signers. Add your name now!
Lynn Naranjo 0 Comments
1676 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

My son Jesse Cedillo was shot 13 times from the sheriff's department in Pueblo Colorado
On March 14 2020 it was shot on video a senseless abuse of force. The video shows his hands in the air as the deputy layed his clip into my 20 year old son. I'm not here to say that my son was an angel but he didn't deserve what was done to him. At the scene were BOTH Pueblo County Sheriff's and Pueblo Police Dept
Neither of these two entities should be "leading" the investigation. Please sign this petition to ask the Pueblo District Attorneys Office and the Colorado Attorney General office to let another Agency take over like Colorado State patrol or the CBI or a team from another city. In a matter of 3 seconds they caught,tried, and exicuted my baby. Please don't let them get away with the cover-up of his murder

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