Justice for Jared/Nanette Hamby

On July 13, 2012 my son, and daughter in-law were killed in a head-on collision which killed both of them on impact. The woman who killed them, suffers from a medical condition, and that condition caused her to crash into my kids car, as well as several cement barracades, and a few more cars. When she was interviewed at the hospital, she had no remorse, or showed any concern for what she had done. Her response when told she had killed two people was "oh yes, that's a tragedy" I have contacted the DA's office, and they tell me that there won't be any criminal charges brought against her. Her license won't be revoked, she won't serve any jail time, nor does she have to pay any fine.
My petition is for people who have medical conditions that causes them to possibly have an accident in a car, that they should not be allowed to apply for, or have a drivers license. I know there is a form that needs to be filled out if one has a medical condition even as small as depression. She is a diabetic, and has tried to commit suicide twice. She should have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is capable of driving without anything interferring in her ability to function behind the wheel of a car, other than a form for the Drivers License Dept. People can lie on any form in order to get what they want.
Those with medical conditions as severe as the one she had, knowing that at anytime they could suffer a diabetic seizure while driving, should not be allowed to get in an automobile I don't want my kids death to be in vain. I don't want anyone else to suffer as we are from the loss of a family member, or friend.
The justice system should be more concerned when it comes to medically related accidents such as this one, and not let it go by without something being done. If they don't, then people that kills people, or causes harm to children, will cry it is a medical condition, and will know that nothing will be done.
This is a problem I fear, and needs to have a closer look at so no other families will suffer as mine is, and no more children like my son/daughter inlaw will die in vain.
Please sign this petition, so this type of thing can be taken more seriously.