Justice for fresher students of KCET 2022
These repeter students are being a pain to the fresher students. They had exams last year and most of them have secured good ranks and still took a year gap for no better reason. Although they knew that this year was going to be diffrent why should they take it up? Now that the results have been announced and the verification process has come to an end they're realloting the ranks. It is pure injustice to the freshers as it will effect the ranks of 23k students and the ranks will automatically go high. Last year students have'nt written the exams and most of them have scored 90% because of internal assesments and other things. This year freshers have written exams and secured the marks and have got their ranks. And now realloting the ranks will definetly afffect the other thousands of freshers. So I request you to sign this petiotion if you're supporting this.
It's about the future of lakhs of students.
Thank you