Justice for Dustin and murder victims

On the 20th of November 2011 our son was brutally murdered on the Redhill HWY by the train bridge he was attacked twice once on the trail by the bridge stabbed in the throat and then on the HWY trying to flag down cars. He was left to bleed death on the side of the HWY while people drove by. Three 911 calls were made and a eyewitness told police they saw a young man with blood on his face. This was at 10;30 Sunday night he was found 7;00 am Monday on the shoulder of the hwy. Police station was one min away. He was stabbed 68 times. Where were the first responders? The murderer confessed to his best friend, testified the murderer Reid asked him to help him kill my son Dustin. This should have been murder one. The Crown Plea Deal this case. Reid got 18 years before parole minus 4 years already served. So he can get parole in 14 years and police did not have to go to court. This was a conflict between the Crown and Hamilton Police. No one would help stop this injustice ,so I'm asking people to sign this petition for more rights and justice for victims and their families. Right now we have non. S0 please sign this before you end up a victim or a devastated family member. This is Dustin's father. Thank You. You can go on my Facebook page to see videos of this nightmare.
Put in my name John Padvaiskas Thank You