Justice for Dante
Dom Deeroy England 0

Justice for Dante

20 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dom Deeroy England 0 Comments
20 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dante has been expelled from the UTC and I believe this to be unfair and unjustified. Dante was one of the top in the class for his IMG BTEC being one of only three to receive a distinction in his last project and was on track for another in this current one. In addition to this be was also undergoing s computer science A-level which is arguably the hardest A-level which can be taken. Furthermore, Dante was a very quiet student he didn't have any bad run-ins with staff he was always in lessons and never late. So I am asking you as the students of UTC to sign this petition and help bring Dante back

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