Jerrica Kilburn 0

Justice for Brewer Family

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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39 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Killian and Zaiden Brewer was taken from their mother on April 19th 2018 due to false allegations made by CPS they come and removed the children because they heard rumors that the mother had the children around their father who had recently lost his custody even though the father and the mother has stood up several times and said otherwise the mother moved to Ohio for five days and that's when CPS got involved and as soon as she knew that she could be in trouble she got back to Kentucky and recite it at her grandmother's house which was found unfit for the children although they were clean fed and safe the grandmother cannot help that she is disabled and the mother was doing everything in her power during the two days that she was home in Kentucky to get the place presentable and livable and clean dcbs workers Mary Cochran and Stacia Moreland was accompanied by a police officer to remove the two young children aged one and three and place them in the Foster system without a case plan in motion and without asking the mother if there was any relative placement to place them with the mother has made several attempts to get through dcbs heads that children does not around their father with only failed results there lies was made a hundred percent worse during court at the end of June after she had filed a hearing they still found her and the father guilty of child neglect for failing to protect the children which is absolute bull we need to fight against the state. All these parents that are on drugs bouncing from house to house living off the government selling off government benefits and not providing for their children the best that they can or not even in the least get to keep their children and it's just not fair especially when hard-working parents spend hard-working cash on everything that they have including rent or mortgages food and closing and Bills and that is exactly the case here and the social workers know it they know that Jerrica has never received a penny off of the government and a has always worked her hands to the Bone and put herself through school for her children. If a good mother gets her children taken away from her just because of allegations made that were 100% false that means the system is corrupt and something needs done about it let's get everyone to sign this petition to get her baby's back she is a good mother and she needs her kids they are just babies and they need their mother they don't need to be with two foster parents who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground let's sign this petition you guys let's get Mary Cochran Carla Tanner and Stacia Moreland off this case and out of Greenup County systems before they ruin anybody else's life it is wrong what they are doing holding kids from innocent parents just for the federal benefits

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