efareyse wilkins 0

Justice for Booder

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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19 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Chief Boleman,

My name in P C and I live in Greenville, SC. Yesterday, May 29, 2014, my cousin, Debra Cleveland's sweet pup was shot and killed by Kenneth Reynolds. Debra is one of the most caring and kind people you could ever meet.

My cousin John Cleveland , died on Feb. 16, 2014. Kenneth Reynolds is their neighbor, he knows Debra and he also knew John. When they owned the Pharmacy in downtown Hartwell they would even deliver medicine to his house for him and his family as a courtesy to them.

Debra's pup was a "harmless sweetie", he never even growled ! Kenneth Reynolds says "he was in fear for his seven pound Chihuahua and his other dogs so he just shot the pup".

What kind of man does this ? If Debra's dog came into his yard, it was coming to play ! Why could he not have just called Debra to come get him OR just have run the pup off, he would have gone back home ALIVE !

BUT this big burly man just picked up his gun and shot him instead !

This police officer needs the book throw at him and to be put off the police force today. To shot a puppy , who was 8 month old. Who was not doing any harm to the property at all. The police officer has a report on 2013 of Feb that some one's dog killed his chicken. That was 9 month before this puppy was ever born. please sign this petition to let people know you feel that this is wrong and that the police officer should face charges. A cop on duty or off is still a cop and should bide be the law of protect and serve and this cop did not. What right does he have to be a cop now ! It is said anyone who hurts animals will one day shot a child so let stop this before he does hurt anyone else. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-for-Booder/246490148872977?skip_nax_wizard=true

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