aiman abdin 0

justice for abdin

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aiman abdin 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

My name is mr aiman mohamed abdin, We are a British family and we are harressed and abused by the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES police in London for 5 years,they send my son to prison to put pressure on me then they DIVORCED us.I reported to the police 8 times and I pass to the police 3 cars registration number, and I even told the police I know there homes,but nothing happened, I didn't receive a single letter from the police.not even a phone call? My police cad number is: 6080 3rd of June 2008 Then they brought one of my friends and guess what? They marry him my EX wife? I WANT JUSTICE Please sign my petition for the sake of humanity.

All we want is the police to reveal the truths
Many thanks to all


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