Jonathan Gautier needs to make a CD

thanks to Ale Garcia we have discovered new indie talent. it is given that jonathan gautier is a genius. his music is much appreciated by Newsome High School students. specifically those riding with windows rolled down to Panera study groups. to concerts. to the mall. those fun times with Ale\'s iPod. since jon refuses to become famous so we can be normal and buy his CD\'s at the store. so we just have to share Ale\'s iPod till then. so SIGN the official petition to ask Jon to move to LA and be famous. now. :] or at least TO MAKE A CD SO THAT WE CAN ALL ENJOY HIM. we\'re tired of only hearing him when Ale is around. he\'s the best when it comes to driving music. indie in general. fun times. so sign. it. and listen to him. now. http://www.myspace.com/gautiermusic